Your go-to source for cigar information. Whether smoking or rolling, you’ll find it here (eventually).
Who we are
Cigars have proliferated into their own unique world, full of mystery, intrigue, class, and even a little rebelliousness. Whether you are a season aficionado, or have never held a cigar in your life, let’s take a journey together into the world of cigars!
Smoking Cigars
Cigar smoking is nothing like cigarette smoking. Here, we will learn together everything you need to know about the art of smoking a good cigar. From selecting your cigar, to preparing it, to the final ash we will explore the world of smoking.
Rolling Cigars
Started by natives long before recorded history, and perfected by the spanish settlers in Cuba, the art of hand-rolling your own cigar is not as difficult as you may think. Here, we will learn everything you need to know from selecting your leaves, to preparing them, and the many ways you can build your cigar and wrap it, as well as the tools of the trade. Let’s Roll!
The story of Cigars
Before written history, the natives of the tiny island of Cuba would smoke bundles of a dried leaf found throughout the island. The Spanish settlers adopted this, and evolved it to the cigar of today. Let’s walk through the journey from those early natives and their loose bundles of leaves, to the multi-million dollar international business that is the modern cigar.